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Next costume plans

I’ve been meaning to write here earlier, but since last time, I finished the shirt for my next Tashigi costume and wore it to Japan!



I only had time to finish the shirt before the trip, which is fine because it was way too hot for the full costume. I wore the shirt as a casual Tashigi outfit for when I went to One Piece Tokyo Tower :)

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New Tashigi photos and costume

I have my photos back from my photoshoot at A-kon with BTSEphoto! Here are a few previews :)




I have the rest uploaded on my Tashigi costume page, so go check them out!

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A-kon and Tashigi debut

I was at A-kon in Dallas last weekend! I debuted my Tashigi costume there, and I also brought my Rhyme costume. I mentioned that I was going to try for another new costume, but I ended up not doing it. That worked out though because I was able to wear Tashigi for both One Piece meet-ups, which were a lot of fun!


I was able to find a few other Marine cosplayers to take photos with, and I met so many other One Piece cosplayers. My full gallery of photos from A-kon are in this Flickr album! Check it out for more photos from the meet-ups and other cosplays I saw around the convention.

I also wanted nice photos of my cosplay, so I booked a shoot with BTSE Photo on Sunday. Barry was great to work with, and I’m really excited to see all of the photos later :D I already have a preview from it too!


Now that I’ve actually worn the cosplay to a convention and have more photos, I’ve updated my Tashigi costume page. I also hope to get back into the swing of things this month. I kind of got burnt out after making Tashigi, which is why I didn’t finish another cosplay. However, I have one that I’d like to finish before August, so time to get back into the sewing room!