I just got back from a weekend at AnimeFest! I finished my Phi costume in time for it, so I’ll be adding more entries on how I made pieces of her costume. I forgot to take photos of myself at the con though. After I clean and repair the costume, I’ll take some full body shots to show. (Yes, “repair” because I was careless and damaged the pendant and bracelet.)
Here is a photo I did before I finished everything though. I did a close-up photo since I didn’t have the pendant and boots done yet.
I also wore my Rhyme costume and finally put together a bell necklace. It’s just a small bell I found at Hobby Lobby, so it’s not accurate to what Rhyme actually wears. One day I’ll make a better one! I found a TWEWY group at the con, and they had everyone except Rhyme. This is the first time I’ve gotten a photo of all 5 characters!
Since Phi is done now, I moved my Phi costume page into the “Completed” category. I will change the banner image once I get more photos of it. I also added those con photos above to my Rhyme costume page.
The next entry I’m writing up is about how I made Phi’s pendant!