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Shigure, progress 2

Since last entry, I’ve finished the sheathe! My previous entry already covered the sword wrap part of the sheathe. Now I’ll show what I did for the rest of it.


I moved onto the butt of the sheathe, and the references for the design on it were kind of inconsistent. It didn’t even seem consistent between pre-timeskip and post-timeskip, even though it’s the same sword. This is what I ended up with as a base:


The lines are done with craft foam, and the circles are balls of hot glue. After putting the base down, I covered it with Worbla. It’s actually 3 pieces of Worbla stuck together – one to cover the bottom of the sheathe and then one on each side.


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Shigure, progress 1

I’ve been working on Tashigi’s sword lately! I showed a bit of it in my previous entry, but I’m going to start from the beginning and show what I’ve done so far.

As a reminder, this is the prop sword I started with:


The sheathe was black, had a texture on it, and also a cross body strap. The first thing I did was cut off the strap, and then I covered the sheathe with 3-4 layers of Gesso. When that dried, I sanded it smooth and spray painted it white.


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A bit of everything

I’ve been making progress on my Tashigi costume! I just haven’t posted lately because I like having entries that show progress for one thing. That way I can reference them easily. However, I’ve been doing a bit of everything but not enough of each for its own entry. Here’s a summary of what’s been going on!

I finished the mock-up for Tashigi’s shirt, though it still needs a couple alterations. It’s close enough that I’m going to work on the real fabric next. I don’t have fabric with the same spotted pattern though, so I bought pink fabric paint to put the dots on myself.


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