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AnimeFest prep

It’s been a few months since my last post! Let me update on what’s been going on…

San Japan
I was at San Japan last weekend! I was doing photoshoots, so I didn’t cosplay this time. I’m only done editing one shoot so far, but you can see previews from each one in this Flickr set as I finish them.

I finally caved and bought a serger. I got the Brother 1034D. It took a bit to get used to at first, but so far, I love it!


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Summary: Zia’s Pants

Like Zulf’s skirt, I decided to sew together strips of fabric instead of using fabric paint. I just felt that it would look better, and I was more comfortable with it than painting.



  • Red stripes = twill
  • Pink stripes = quilter’s cotton
  • Lining = broadcloth

Though I wanted the whole thing in twill, I already had a bunch of quilter’s cotton in the pink color I needed, so I just went with that.


I really couldn’t find a pattern that would work, so I drafted my own, which took me 3 tries to get right. Here is what the pattern looks like:


It’s basically a pants pattern but with a really poofy bottom. The pattern shown does not include the waist band.

Note: I purposely made a lower crotch because it seemed to match with Zia’s artwork. However, I don’t recommend that now that I’ve worn it that way. It restricts movement and can easily rip if you try to move too much with your legs. I’m currently looking into altering them to have a normal crotch.

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Summary: Zia’s Jacket and Shirt

Now for a few entries about Zia’s costume, starting with how I made her jacket! I know a lot of people see the pink part around Zia’s neck as a scarf, but I really think it’s a cowl neck on a shirt she’s wearing underneath. That’s the way I decided to do it.




  • Shirt = pink ribbed knit
  • Jacket = twill and lined with broadcloth
  • Jacket collar = yellow ribbed knit

All of the fabric used for Zia’s jacket were actually custom dyed. I couldn’t find the right colors, so I used liquid Rit dye.

  • Blue part = mostly teal and a bit of royal blue
  • Brown part = 4 parts sunshine yellow to 1 part navy
  • Pink part = a bit of wine (the color… not the drink)


The shirt was just based off of one of my shirts, except I didn’t put in sleeves. I then followed a simple cowl neck tutorial.


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