Archive for the 'Scott Pilgrim' Category

New photos

Sorry for the lack in updates! I actually haven’t been working on anything new lately because I’ve been focusing on cosplay photography instead. I spent January post processing photos from Ikkicon, and I’m about to do another cosplay photoshoot too.

This means new photos of my own cosplays as well! I have a wireless release for my DSLR, so I’m able to trigger it remotely and basically take selfies XD;;

First, I did a Haku shoot for Christmas. It has 3 parts, so click here for the full image.


Then I did a black and white photo of my Knives Chau costume as part of my Project 52.


I do plan on starting a new cosplay project very soon. Hopefully I’ll have some progress photos up in March!

Knives Chau

I finally got around to adding more photos of my Knives Chau costume, which you can see on the costume page for it. Both Jessie and I have worn it, so there are photos of both of us.

Here is Jessie dressed as Knives and Jack dressed as Scott Pilgrim during AnimeFest!

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